First and foremost, thank you for all your prayers and support of CCS over the years. Your contributions and spiritual encouragement have been a tremendous blessing! As the Apostle Paul said to the Church in Philippians, “I thank my God every time I remember you.”
Today, I have some exciting news to share regarding Covenant Christian School (CCS) and Impact Church here in Aurora IL.
Over the last few weeks, God has opened the door with a wonderful opportunity for CCS to potentially partner with Impact Church (led by Pastor & Mrs Jamin Becker over the past 15 years) to further expand the mission of Covenant Christian and purchase a building.
A local church in Aurora is currently selling one of their campuses and they are willing to sell it to our school.
As you can imagine, this is a great answer to prayer and a dynamic opportunity for both the church and our school.
In order for this to happen, we need to raise $100K, and we are currently seeking pledges for this initiative.
We are currently in the midst of a campaign to raise 100K, and if we can gain $50K worth of pledges by Monday May 6th, we can make an offer for the building!
I would love to talk with each of you more about this new initiative and the impact it will have across the community for our students and families alike.
If you would like to provide a pledge, please let me know as soon as possible. If there was ever a time we needed a good Christian school, it’s now.

Thank you for your consideration. We covet your prayers as we do our best to keep the school up and running. God bless you richly.