52 Cups Of Coffee

Dear Friends, God is indeed a good God. Natalie’s new devotional book “52 Cups Of Coffee” is finally here and ready for purchase. As Natalie says in the book. Life is loud. Every day we are bombarded with the noise of simply being alive. In the midst of it all, it is easy to forget the voice that matters most. Throughout the Bible, God often captures the hearts of people through the realm of storytelling. From parables to passed down

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Now Available: Hymns My Mother Taught Me

Dear Friends, I am excited to announce the release of my newest CD: Hymns My Mother Taught Me. This project holds a special place in my heart. As many of you know my mother has entered a new season of life as she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s a few years. No doubt, this has been difficult, but through the journey, I have found music to be very cathartic. On my last visit to Jamaica, my mother did not recognize me

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Have you ever asked “why?” Within the life of Joseph we find many “why” questions. Why did God allow Joseph to be sold into slavery and then sent to prison for a crime he did not commit? Why didn’t one of Joseph’s brothers confess their evil deed against him to their father? Why didn’t God reveal to Jacob in a dream or some other form that Joseph was still alive? The list can and does go on. In the same

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Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July to all my friends and family in America. Lets continue to pray that God would guide, bless and protect this incredible land. Here are two videos of the hymn Battle Hymn of the republic. One is the end of the regular version and the other is the Jazz version of the chorus we call Glory Glory. You can share these with your friends. God bless you and God bless America. Blessings, Rev Huntley Brown International Concert

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To God be the Glory

Dear Friends, Thanks for all your prayers we do serve a great God. There are many asking what to do to get me to come to their church. Its easy just drop me an e-mail at huntnette@aol.com or call 630 907 0537. I know many wonder about the size of the church. Remember I go anywhere I am invited irregardless of the size of the church. We are taking bookings right now so drop us a line and we can

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